Robert Frost Farm Historic Site - Derry, NH

Take a walk through the past and read poetry along the way! This site offers a beautifully landscaped farmhouse, once home to poet Robert Frost, whose memories of this place inspired some of his most memorable poems. There is an easy trail through the woods with markers along the way displaying history and poetry. Seasonal programs are offered to the public at no charge, and run from May through October (check websites). We have visited multiple times to walk the grounds, but you can schedule a tour or check out their event pages to see inside the farmhouse. 

Location: 122 Rockingham Road, Derry, NH 03038
Contact: 603-432-3091
Historical Dates: The farm was built in 1884. Robert Frost owned this farm from 1900-1911

Robert Frost Farm Derry NH

Robert Frost Farm Derry NH

Robert Frost Farm Derry NH

Robert Frost Farm Derry NH


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